Structural Recommendations on SDG implementation in Austria
One the occation of its 5-year anniversary in September 2020, SDG Watch Austria published a press release and sent out letters to all ministers and members of the Interministerial Working Group (IMAG), presenting recommendations on further steps for SDG implementation (available only in German).
Press release (DE) (September, 2020)
Summary of recommendations (DE) (September 2020)
Statement on the EU COVID-19 Recovery Plan
As a member of SDG Watch Europe, SDG Watch Austria supported the joint statement on the EU COVID-19 recovery plan. In the statement, the organisations demand a sustainable, green and inclusive recovery plan for Europe.
SDG Watch Europe Statement on the COVID-19 Recovery Plan (June 2020)

Letter to Austrian MPs
In December 2029, SDG Watch Austria directed a letter to all new members of parliament, presenting its recommendations for including the 2030 Agenda in the Austrian Parliament (available only in German):
Letter to Austrian MPs (DE) (December 2019)
Recommendations on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda
In 2019, SDG Watch updated its recommendations on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda in Austria (available only in German):
Recommendations on SDG Implementation (DE) (October 2019)
Plea by SDG Watch Austria and the Senate of Economy
In their joint plea from August 2019, SDG Watch Austria and the Senate of Economy Austria call upon decision-makers in the fields of politics, economy and society to take coherent action in line with the Agenda 2030. The plea was sent to all senators, the members of the Austrian Parliament, all political parties and parliamentary groups, all advocacy groups, and to relevant political and economic organisations.
Plea by SDG Watch Austria and the Senate of Economy (German) (August 2019)
Letter to Minister of Education Fassmann
In May 2019, on the occasion of the ongoing adaptions to Austrian curricula, SDG Watch Austria addressed a letter to Austrian Minister of Education, Heinz Fassmann, in order to strengthen the focus of curricula on the Agenda 2030 and its 17 sustainable development goals – especially SDG 4.7. The demands were elaborated by SDG Watch Austria’s Education Initiative.
Letter to Minister of Education Fassmann (German) (May 2019)
Letter from 144 organisations to the Federal Government: "Implementing the SDGs"
In January 2017, 144 organisations wrote a joint letter to the then Federal Government. In this letter, they called on them to implement Agenda 2030 and its 17 objectives for sustainable development as the "overarching guideline for political action in all areas of Austrian policy", and to develop "a plan for concrete next steps in Austria" quickly. In this letter, the organisations also developed concrete proposals for implementation and offered their support for the next steps.
Letter from 144 organisations to the Federal Government (January 2017)
Foundation and press conference
The work of SDG Watch Austria is based on this first letter. In September 2017 SDG Watch Austria was officially launched as an association of civil society organisations. This going public was accompanied by a press conference and a group photo.
Press conference on the founding of SDG Watch Austria: Implementing SDGs - enabling the future! (September 2017)
First Platform General Assembly and Letter to Chancellor Kurz
In May 2018, SDG Watch Austria (now with more than 130 member organisations) called for an "end to the standstill in SDG implementation" in Austria at its first plenary meeting and after more than a year without progress. This demand was expressed in a letter to Federal Chancellor Kurz and all members of the new federal government. The unrestricted topicality and validity of the proposals developed at the beginning of 2017 were also confirmed in these letters. In addition, the Federal Chancellor was asked concrete questions on how the implementation in Austria would proceed.
Letter to Chancellor Kurz (May 2018)

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